Gamut Point Revolution.

I was chatting with a friend the other day, catching up on our summers. I have an eye twitch, I told her, my left eye- its been twitching all summer. I left my job in the spring, and while being there had been stressful, not having a job lined up and having lots of different thoughts about the direction I wanted my life to take was stressful in a whole new way. We talked about the obvious meanings- what did I need to see? A message from my feminine, we see the left side as receptive and associated with the feminine energies. Pay attention to me. Don’t go too fast, slow down and look inside. Its horrible, I said to her, I feel like a sociopath when its happening, people are talking to me and I’m looking at them but all I’m conscious of is what’s going on in my left eye, I can barely even register what they’re saying and I’m sure they think I’m crazy.


“Squeeze your gamut point,” she suggested finally, bringing her hands together to illustrate. The gamut point is the end of what is called the ‘Triple Warmer’ meridian in energy medicine. It has to do with the body’s defenses and resistance to change. Holding down the gamut point, which is on the hand between the tendons of the pinky and ring finger settles down the fierce warriors of your emotional mental and physical defense systems and allows your nervous system to rest. I squeezed my hand and felt my face begin to relax, sighed deeper and sank down a little deeper within. I held it on and off all day and the next day too. A couple of days later I noticed my twitch was not set off nearly as often, and when it would come a squeeze on the gamut point would calm it back down.   As is so often the case, there are always tools, the tricky part is just remembering to use them 😉

In the restaurant of my heart

In the middle of my first ever Kirtan last night we were asked to focus on the prayer of our hearts, the desire of our hearts.  I tuned in and immediately saw a type of glass awning extending from my heart, an opening for more space, a different kind of heart space.  If my heart were a restaurant, my prayer would be to add some outdoor seating.

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And more, more space where people could pass through, could aimlessly wander under the canopy of my heart’s open halls without ever even knowing what sheltered them, without thinking or making any kind of decision or commitment to stay or go.


Finally I felt an entire glass pavilion extending all around me from my heart, dotted with couples, crowds, all seeking their pleasure under the bright shade of infinite walkways.  This was my new heart.


text © Megan Stein 2014